Executive Board

President - Maizee Freeman
Hello! I am currently a senior in the Hotel, Restaurant & Tourism Major with an emphasis in event coordination and a minor in business administration! I became a part of Delta Zeta’s sisterhood in the fall of 2017. I joined Delta Zeta to find my place with people that lift me up and support me, for me. I have found that within our chapter and with my sisters and cannot be more thrilled to have found my place, my home. Previously, I have held the position(s) of Local Philanthropy & Parliamentarian. I am honored and excited to have been voted in to serve as president for our chapter! I look forward to continuing our year of giving graciously and offering love that is ever steadfast.

V.P of Membership - Sidney Dombrowski
Hi everyone! I am a senior in the Human Development and Family Studies major! I love to cook, sing, play guitar, and rollerblade in my “not so spare” time. I’ve been in Delta Zeta for a year now and couldn’t imagine my college experience, or my life at all without all of my wonderful sisters and their endless support!

V.P New Member Education - Taylor Larson
I’m a senior in the Early Childhood Education program with a concentration in Special Education, and plan to become a teacher one day! This is currently my second year in Delta Zeta, and I am excited to further my leadership skills by serving on our Executive Board this year. I joined Delta Zeta to find my Home Away from Home, and that it has become. Delta Zeta has allowed me to grow personally, professionally, and academically while finding my forever friends and sisters.

V.P Programs - Kennedy Gorres
Hello! My name is Kennedy, I am a senior in the Apparel Design and Development program. I have been in Delta Zeta since February of 2018 and am excited for my journey as the Zeta Beta’s VP of Programming Chair! My favorite part of being a Zeta Beta is having a family as crazy as I am.

Treasurer - Kirstin Anderson
I am a junior in the Business Administration program with a Human Resource minor. I joined Delta Zeta fall of my freshman year. I am from Rockton, IL , I have one younger brother, two dogs, and a horse. My favorite part of Delta Zeta is the constant support of my sisters. I can't to see where this position takes me and help me grow in the sorority!

Secretary - Grace Delaki

V.P of Philanthropy - Emma Curran
Hey! I am a Senior in Retail Merchandising and Management with a concentration in Fashion Marketing and a minor in Business Administration. I am as an active member of the Society of Human Resource Management.

Academics - Mallory Mork